【注1】W. A. Criswell, The Baptism, Filling & Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Zondervan, 1973, p.45. 【注2】D. & K. Fortune,《发掘你的属灵恩赐》,页2、11、13等不赘。 【注3】非如D. & K. Fortune,上引书,页2、11。 【注4】William McRae, Dynamics of Spiritual Gifts, Zondervan, 1976, p.27. 【注5】W. E. Vine, Expository Words of New Testament Words, Hendrickson, n. d., pp.486-487. 【注6】W. Gruden, The Gifts of Prophacy, Crossway Books, 1988, p.159. 【注7】R. P. Lightner, Speaking in Tongues & Divine Healing, Regular Baptist Press, 1975, p.11. 【注8】A. A. Hoekema, What About Tongue Speaking, Palernoster, 1972, p.110. 【注9】W. A. Criswell,上引书,页50~52。 【注10】R. G. Gromacki, The Modern Tongues Movement, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1972, p.10. 【注11】J. O. Sanders, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, Zondervan. 1970, p.93. 【注12】C. C. Ryrie, The Holy Spirit, Moody Press, 1965, pp.83-84; W. McRae, 上引书,页18。 【注13】C. C. Ryrei,上引书,页84。 【注14】Peter Wagner, Your Spiritual Gifts, Regel 1980, pp.57, 73;另参I. E. Packs, Find & Use Your Spiritual Gifts, Christian Publications, 1980, p.25.