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Is God Real?

As a teenager, the question “Is Godreal?” troubled me. I went on long quests to find an answer, arguing with God and devising ways to test his existence. As an adult, I have come to see that God’s existence is self-evident—for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Evidence from the Universe and Nature

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” (Psalm 19:1).

God’s intelligence and His majesty are manifested in the physical and natural world. The earth itself gives evidence of a magnificent creator God. The uniqueness of earth’s water, gases, temperature, soil, elements, gravitational forces, and living organisms reflects a creator who possesses all intelligence. And beyond the orderliness and intriguing beauty found in the physical world, God’s ultimate created wonder, man, reflects a creator who possesses all benevolence.

Evidence from the Bible

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness…” (II Timothy 3:16-17)

Although nature reveals a Mastermind Creator, we would not know exactly who He is unless He revealed Himself using human language. Thus God inspired His servants (many of whom were known as prophets) in ancient times to write down His decrees or commands for people to follow. The 66 books, written by some 40 servants of God, spanning a period of 1600 years, are collectively known as the Bible. We marvel at how such a work as the Bible was produced and come to the conclusion that God must be the editor and designer behind it.

The themes found in the books of the Bible are coherent, authoritative, and relevant to people of all ages. The message of the Bible is plain. It describes the beginning of human sin, and how sin is passed from generation to generation. It also describes God’s salvation plan for mankind as well as the ultimate destiny of both man and the physical world as we know it.

Prophecies in the Bible have had their fulfillment in human history. The fall of great empires such as Babylon, Assyria, Persia, and Greece all occurred in succession as foretold by prophets of the Old Testament. The coming of the promised Messiah Jesus, in fulfillment of prophecy, became the turning point of human history. Jesus, One of a Triune Being, whose majesty and supremacy surpasses human comprehension became the Savior for all humanity as well as the entire universe. The Bible’s message about Jesus brings hope to the depressed, deliverance for those who are entangled by sin, and power for living to the bewildered. People have found no other book as enriching as the Bible in touching the needs of their heart.

Many governments and atheists throughout the ages have ridiculed and sought to destroy the Bible, yet it has been amazingly protected by God’s people and by God Himself. Such divine protection is sufficient evidence to show that the existence of the Bible does not hinge on human effort.

Evidence from the Historical Jesus

“In these last days He (God) has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things…” (Hebrews 1:2)

The life of Jesus validates that He is the Son of God, the promised Messiah of the world. His character is incomparable, His compassion is surpassing, and His message is healing to our souls. Jesus spoke with authority, and His works reflected an absolutely righteous and loving God. Skeptics assume Jesus to be a liar, a megalomaniac, or a lunatic, but none of these characterizations could possibly apply to Him. No one in this world ever spoke words with greater integrity. No one equaled His healing power, and no one possessed the love that He embodied. His love is so great that He willingly suffered on behalf of sinful man, dying shamefully on the cross. Yet He triumphed over death through His resurrection—and dealt a death blow to the Devil. His death released mankind from the bondage of sin once for all. And His resurrection gives hope that all who believe in Him will one day rise with imperishable bodies to everlasting life.

The early disciples who saw and touched the risen Lord willingly spread the message of salvation everywhere, even in the face of death. Throughout centuries, missionaries have eagerly gone to every part of the world and preached the good news of Jesus. Today Christians from diverse social status and various races choose to worship and follow Christ, not as an illusion or fantasy, but because they have found new life in Him.

When people confront the Lord Jesus, they encounter not just a wonderful person, but a personal Savior who loves them…and they bow before Him as Lord. His invitation is to all honest seekers of the Truth to repent of their sins and accept His salvation. To fail to respond to Christ’s call is the biggest gamble of life a person could make.

Evidence from Archeological Findings and Secular History

Archeological findings provide outside confirmation for what is recorded in the Bible. In general, most findings support the biblical accounts concerning people, places, and events. For example, relics found at various ruins indicate that incidents recorded in the Bible are historical:the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the suffering of Israelites under Pharaoh Rameses, the fall of Jericho, etc. The Dead Sea Scrolls, dug from the Judean Wilderness, reveal the authenticity of many Old Testament books such as Isaiah, the Psalms, Deuteronomy, and Genesis.

The New Testament figures, places, and events related to Jesus and His disciples also find support from archeological excavations. A few notable ones include censors used under Caesar Augustus, washings done at the pool of Siloam, and the role of the high priest Caiaphas.

The Jewish historian Josephus, a non-Christian, writing in the first century, gives the first secular record of the person Jesus. He wrote:

“At this time there was a wise man called Jesus, and his conduct was good, and he was known to be virtuous. Many people among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive. Accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have reported wonders. And the tribe of the Christians, so named after him, has not disappeared to this day.” (Schlomo Pines, An Arabic Version of the Testimonium Flavianum and itsImplications, 1971)

Thus, biblical accounts find much support from archeology and history. God, in His providence, has left His footprints throughout human history.

Evidence from Christ’s Followers’ Faith Journey

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for” (Hebrews 11:1-2).

The faith journeys of genuine Truth seekers have been well documented for thousands of years. The Jewish patriarch Abraham believed in God’s calling to him, was obedient, and thus received God’s blessings promised to him and his descendants. Millions of other individuals have responded to Jesus’ call and experienced the forgiveness of sins, the transforming power of deliverance, and the joy of living a new life through commitment to Him.

I, too, can testify that in my faith journey since I was a youth, Christ’s mercy and goodness have followed me through the years. God is, indeed, real. As I submit to Him, He frees me from my sinful and selfish nature and gives me a genuine concern for the well-being of others. In Him, I find a real purpose in living. It is as the Bible says, God is our Good Shepherd who guides us in paths of righteousness every day.


In the heart of all people is a genuine desire to know that God is real. But mankind does not seek God first. It is God who actually is seeking to make Himself known to us. As one scientist has well said, “He who does not see God everywhere sees him nowhere.” We have only to open our eyes to see Him. Our wonderful God deserves our worship on bended knee for showing His amazing grace and boundless love to mankind.

(Wilkin Cheung holds a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. (Zoology) from the University of Hong Kong and is an adjunct Science Professor at Patten University, Oakland, California.)

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